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The ideal solution for all those companies which have a small “fleet” of devices, but need to be able to manage it homogeneously, guaranteeing the security of the data on the device.


Advanced solution designed to manage your fleet and ensure the security of devices with highly flexible levels of configuration and customization according to your needs.


For companies that want the best in both management and device security. Ideal for “fleets” of large devices, it is equipped with one of the most advanced Cyber ​​Threat Intelligence modules on the market.

UEM Core Enterprise Corporate
Zero-Touch configuration
Remote lock, localization and wipe
Device status monitoring
App management
Updates management
Profile types and applicable configurations
Url filter
Unlock password complexity policy
Multi-factor authentication
Private app & content catalog
App, hw, wifi and network usage statistics
Network and system VPN management
Policy and restriction scheduling
Installation/removal of certificates
Directory Sync (Google Workspace, LDAP, Microsoft Azure)
Advanced BYOD management
Separation of corporate and personal data (COPE)
Multi-user management
SIM status monitoring
Single Sign On (Google Workspace, SAML, Microsoft Azure)
Screen remote assistance (Screen Share)
File uploading/removal
Automated flow management
MTD Core Enterprise Corporate
HTTPS Encrypted Connection with HSTS, Pinning
Advanced End 2 End encryption and code signing
Data/OS integrity check
Common vulnerabilities (CVE)
Continuous AntiMalware Scan
WiFi security check
Safe DNS filtering
Check encryption on the device
Privacy rules for the data flow
Safe Browsing: Domain/IP filtering
Binary files AntiMalware scan
Customizable security patterns
AntiPhishing advanced plus
Anti malware advanced (Threat Intelligence)
MITM protection
Cyber Threat Intelligence on IoC
1 only for Android
2 only for Android and Windows