Ermetix 3.9.4 – RELEASE NOTES

Ermetix suite update version 3.9.4 now is live.

Devices list

Devices list has new improvements:

  • Green circle: it indicates a device that seams to be active, which means that it have communicated with the server in the last 6 solar days
  • Advanced filter button: it allows to create your custom filter
  • Massive iOS “Start OS Update” action: now admin can start iOS updates massively

New “Certificate Revocation” payload

In this release, Certificate Revocation payload for iOS and iPadOS is now supported.

Additional info on .

Android’s User Space extended features

User Space feature has been improved with more options that enable new scenarios.

Force Select User (login) screen

Using “Force Select User screen mode (Supervised only)” restriction you can force to lock the login screen and force the user to choose an option to login before using the device.

Following restrictions allow administrators to customize the login behaviour:

  • Allow login to existing User Spaces: when this option is on, in Select User screen it is possibile to select an User Space from the list.
  • Allow temporary login via account or SSO: when this option is on, in Select User screen it is possibile to authenticate a temporary session via Ermetix ID account or configured SSO services. This login will be considered like a temporary session so the local data will be removed after logout for privacy reasons.
  • Allow temporary login to guest: when this option is on, in Select User screen it is possibile to access a temporary session without credentials. This login will be considered like a temporary session so the local data will be removed after logout for privacy reasons.

Google account login needed

When a new User Space has been created, user must log into one Google Account.

In order to enable this option switch on “Force adding Google Account on User Spaces (Supervised only)” restriction.

To restrict Google Workspace domains or account you can use this restriction in combination with Permitted Google Accounts payload.

Loop temporary sessions

This option allows to clean the device from all local data, after every usage session.

In order to enable this option switch on “Force Temporary Session mode (Supervised only)” restriction.

When the temporary session ends, local data will be destroyed and a new empty user is generated automatically for the next usage session.