Ermetix suite update version 3.9.5 now is live.
New Dashboard design
We have updated the dashboard with a new fresh design. We are working to make additional improvements in next releases including contextual info stats and customizable widgets.

Knox integration updates
All the advanced feature of Knox for Enterprise have now a new streamlined user experience.
Integrated Samsung Knox payload
The new payload Samsung Knox uses OEMConfig standard (via Knox Service Plugin) to apply advanced policies to Samsung devices. This payload overrides standard app configurations management.
Note: Samsung Knox payload will only affect Samsung devices: Android 8+ for supervised devices, Android 9+ (Knox 3.2.1+) for others provisioning methods.

KSP feedbacks restyle
Now the Ermetix Admin console shows a new KSP button to see last Knox feedbacks synched with the device.
Note: Feedbacks are synched automatically and periodically, if you want to get an update manually use Refresh info action on the devices.

KME credentials pass-through
Ermetix MDM Agent tries using credentials specified inside the Knox Mobile Enrollment panel, if user authentication is needed on new device enrollments.
Managed config minor update
Now Ermetix Admin let you easily choose from wildcard parameters inside managed config.

Randomized Mac Address for Android 10+
In Network Interfaces device’s detail now are shown randomized Mac Addresses for WiFi nic.

New languages supported
Finally we have launched Spanish and German languages on the entire web platform: Ermetix Home, Ermetix Admin, Ermetix Teach webapp, Ermetix Panel, Ermetix Reseller Portal.
iOS and Android Apps will get these languages in the next updates.