Piacenza, July 24th – XNOOVA, an Italian vendor, pioneer in mobile security, changes its name and becomes Ermetix. A choice that has been influenced by the desire to implement an evolutionary rebranding and match the name of the product with the name of the company:
‘’The decision to face this important evolution is due to the fact that Ermetix continued growing and evolving in the last years, while expanding to new markets, and this is the reason on why it is important to make our communication more incisive. Furthermore, rapid and immediate identification also makes it easier for our stakeholders to understand who we are and what we do’’ states Diego Fasano, CEO of Ermetix.
“Ermetix” is an evocative name, projected towards the future: its messaging states ‘’security’’, ‘’protection’’ and therefore ‘’trust’’, completely in line with company’s mission. It is a pure expression of the Italian soul with a global vision.
The ongoing rebranding vision will not be limited to changing the company name, but represents and opportunity to relaunch the brand’s positioning on the market, through a series of strategic actions:
a new identity: the rebranding will take one step further through an evolution of the communication and marketing strategies, employer branding and internal communication
the expansion of the business model with an internal vision and constantly updated skills at both Technical and Management Level